English 1, Lesson 25 – Major Turning Points in my Life

Writing Assignment: 500 words on major turning points in your life. What changed? Why were they turning points? How did they take place?
Kourdakov experienced several of these. They are important for the narrative. Use these as models for your essay.

Kourdakov had a very interesting life, full of turning points throughout. He was orphaned at four years old, ran away from his adoptive parents at six to live in a train station, and was sent to live in a children’s home a few weeks after running away from his adoptive parents. He was sent around to different children’s homes as he got older, and in one of them he witnessed the death of a fellow orphan. He realized that life is survival of the fittest, and that life wasn’t going to give him seatbelts. These experiences and realizations drove him to be the strongest, and drove his ambition to be on top.

My life isn’t nearly as exciting as Kourdakov’s, but I hope to have many interesting experiences as he did. So far, I have had a few turning points, though nothing amazing or crazy.

One of these was joining a homeschool co-op. This experience changed me for the better. I learned how to hold proper conversations with kids and adults alike, I met new people, some of which became my current best friends, and I was able to have something to look forward to throughout the week. Overall, this co-op helped me develop my social skills and make friends without my parents help.

Another turning point was getting a phone. Getting a phone definitely changed my life, but not completely for the better. It most definitely brought a ton of distractions with it, such as games, endless youtube videos, and other such sources of entertainment. These distractions, however, led me to try and manage my time properly and discipline myself. I’m still working on it, but I’m getting better at making sure I don’t slow myself down in the education department because I’d rather do stuff on my phone.

The last major turning point I am going to talk about today is starting the Ron Paul Curriculum, the curriculum for which I am writing this essay. This curriculum taught me (and is still teaching me) how to manage my time and maintain a structured day, all while getting a proper education. This differs from how I used to do schooling, which was basically just sitting down every now and then, sometimes not even daily, and just doing a page or two from a workbook. RPC is a lot more mentally challenging than the old workbooks I used to do as well, which is a huge plus. It gives me the drive to do well and understand and learn as much as I can.

In conclusion, these three turning points have helped me and continue to help me grow into an adult who can be successful. I hope to have some more interesting turning points and more interesting experiences in the very near future.

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